Teri, 60

Patient Info Breast Cancer

It has been freaky having the doctor tell us that I have Stage 4 breast cancer after being cancer free for the past 15 years. But we know that God loves us and is taking care of me no matter what happens. I trust He will either heal me now or when He calls me home. And if it’s the latter, I’ll be in Heaven with my Lord. That makes me smile. My only sadness would be leaving my wonderful husband and kids/family behind. But the Oncologist said I have “years”—just don’t know if that’s 1, 2, or 20—I’m shooting for 20!! So I know I have lots more time with my loved ones before the Lord calls me home.

God is good all the time—and all the time God is good!!! We will continue to fight this breast cancer on ALL fronts—with God and healing prayers, with Chemo and Oncologists, and with Nutrition/Exercise.

I applaud the “CareBOX Program”! My husband and I were so impressed when our Cancer Center told us about what CareBOX Program does to help Cancer Patients. We hope to help them out in the future!