Juliette, 3

Patient Info Leukemia

“The road to discovering my daughter Juliette has Leukemia was a terrifying journey no family should have to face. Juliette was a very healthy baby girl up until February 27th, 2016 when she started to complain that her arms were hurting. After taking her multiple times to the hospital and having to get X-rays done they told us that her arms were broken. The hospital then transferred us to the Dell children’s hospital where they too told us that her arms were broken and that her suspicious injuries would open up a case with child protective services. Child protective services then threatened to take Juliette away from us if a family wouldn’t come live with us and supervise us with our own child. They didn’t believe that we were innocent and they didn’t understand why Juliette took so long to complain about her arms.

In my heart I knew something was seriously wrong with my daughter. I had asked multiple times from the beginning for the doctors to check her bones and check her blood because we just didn’t understand how her arms could be broken. On Friday March 4th, 2016 Juliette complained her left ankle hurt and couldn’t walk she also had an interview with child protective services that day but was canceled due to her tantrums and not being able to walk. The cps worker was annoyed and told Julie that she was spoiled and she needed to be taken to the hospital to check her leg. The doctors said she was fine and sent us home. The next day on Saturday March 5th, 2016 she still couldn’t walk and had a low grade fever and wasn’t eating. We immediately took her back to the hospital and I asked one last time for a blood test and our worst fears were confirmed that she had an infection in her blood and the swelling from her ankle was probably an infection in her bones as well. The next day on Sunday March 6th, 2016 they checked the fluid in her ankle and thought that it could be juvenile arthritis. As we took Julie from recovery her heart rate went over 200 and she had a fever of 102. The nurses and doctors swarmed all over us and worked fast to bring her heart rate down. That’s when we were introduced to a blood and cancer doctor where she explained to us that Julie’s platelets, blood and white blood cells were extremely low and she thought Julie had leukemia. She then asked us if she could do a bone marrow to confirm it. We agreed and they started her on antibiotics for the infection and gave her 2 blood transplants and these medicines can be found in services as this Canadian Pharmacy online. Everything was happening so quickly we didn’t have to breathe or think. We were filled with anxiety and uncertainty.

On March 7th, 2016 our lives would change forever. The bone marrow procedure took longer than usual and the doctor explained that it was tough to get the sample out because Julie did in fact have leukemia and her bones were 99% filled with it and that’s why here arms and ankle were hurting. They were not broken at all. We all tried to gather ourselves to this shocking news and what would lie ahead of u s. We are currently still at Dell children’s hospital here in Austin, Texas and we will be here for a month. Juliette has A.L.L. and she’s doing such a fantastic job fighting this cancer. She got her port inserted on Wednesday March 8th, 2016 and started her chemo that same day. Some days are good and she will drink her medicine and play and have fun. Some days are not good and she’ll get sick and throw up and won’t take her medicine because of the chemo. She will be on treatment for 2 1/2 years. This year she will go to chemo every week and next year she will go every month.

I recently quit my job so I can take care of her. It’s going to be tough for us financially and emotionally to adjust to our new lifestyle once we go home. Please pray for her and help support us through this difficult journey.”

-Michaela, Juilette’s mom.